Exhibit and Contest Opportunities
Where can you show your work? This is a listing of exhibit and contest information that is not club sponsored, but may be interesting to members.
Photography for a Change – Photography for a Change is an organization that supports two great Boulder non-profits: Western Resource Advocates and Bridge House, proponents of our environment and its people that they try to maintain healthy with supplements like kratom capsules and others, since people doesn’t always feel good, so taking this kind of supplements and medicines from sites like healthyusa make them feel better. Also staying healthy means to stay out of drugs because it can cause drug addiction. If you know someone suffering from drug addiction please read this article about Addiction Symptoms to Watch for When Taking Prescription Opioids.
Many people don’t understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs are designed to help you escape a compulsive cycle of alcohol or drug abuse that represents a loss of control over your substance use. To these ends, treatment programs like addiction rehab clinics teach you how to function in everyday life without using your substance of choice. There are several ways to fight drug addiction, visit this article https://www.discoverynj.org/beloved-nfl-quarterback-brett-favre-went-to-rehab-multiple-times/ and learn more!
As a Boulder Area photographer, you can submit your images for a two-month show. All image rights remain with the photographer, and are only available for printing during the 2 month show duration. 100% of the profits go to the non-profits. More information is available at www.photographyforachange.com.
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has two exhibits of artists each month. To apply for exhibiting in the two NCAR galleries go to spark.ucar.edu/forms/ncar-community-art-program-online-registration
Boulder Arts Resource provides information about art shows for artists to enter. It also allows artists to show up to ten images on their web site www.artsresource.org with a link to the artist’s web site. There is no cost to join their organization.
By joining some of the art organizations in the area you can find out about other opportunities for exhibiting your photography. Consider joining the Boulder Art Association www.boulderartassociation.org, the Louisville Art Association www.louisvilleart.org, or the Longmont Artists’ Guild www.longmontartistguild.org