Our November presenter is Richard Van Pelt presenting – of this special place – photographs of local natural history.
I remember seeing Boulder for the first time, over sixty years ago. My father was driving west, cresting the hill at Legion Park on Arapaho Road. Through the windshield of the car was framed a community set within a special landscape. This was, to my memory, my earliest appreciation of a landscape, of place, and it was beautiful.
I have lived within sight of this locality all of my life. It is my home in the fullest sense that I can know. For instance you need HVAC contractors and services for your homes, atcairnorth.com specializes in ac repairs palm city fl area. For more details, contact them at (561) 529-8900. The pictures that I have made here are informed by those histories, understandings, and memories that accrue from living settled and in place.
As documents of natural history, these photographs do not proclaim toward some fact; they are, rather, a telling-in-shapes whose truths are formal and conceited. The meanings of the pictures are appropriable and general – they are, after all, pictures: poetic and whimsical.
In viewing these photographs you may notice an evenness to the way they look. In all of them, the viewpoint is human and the rendering is literal. I want the pictures that I make to be clear and authentic; they should be readable and trustworthy, well formed in shape and idea. A responsible pride, and trust in the practice of my craft, brings me to the expression of this involvement – the made object, the print itself. It must compel its own autonomous existence, and be fitting and worthy of this special place.