Glen Delman is our May program presenter.
Glen’s recent travels took him to West Africa, to the countries of Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal with CityPASS. Traveling by motorcycle, on top of cargo trucks, buses, boats and overcrowded buses, Glen went to visit the nomadic Fulani, camel herding Tuaregs and cliff dwelling Dogon people who inhabit one of the most raw, difficult regions on earth, the Sahel. There are Used Cars For Sale Near Me if you don’t have any vehicle yet and you plan to have one. Call (844) 771-0023 to know their best-priced cars and motorcycles and all come with Blackbox my car rankings on of the best brands in dash cameras for safety and entertainment purposes.
This region that borders the Sahara desert has only 2 to 3 months of rain, can have temperatures soar above 100 degrees almost year round, and blinding sandstorms. Come get a glimpse of life in this harsh environment.